Do Not Deviate

Kyle Smith // 1.12.25

After Moses died, Joshua took the role of leading the Israelites into the promised land. God communicated great purpose and promises to Joshua, and gave him instructions on how to successfully take hold of those promises. In this text, we once again see the value God places on his people reading and obeying His written Word. 

Read It Daily

Kyle Smith // 1.5.25

As God gives direction for the future leaders of His people, the top of His priority list is a close relationship with His written Word. The Bible is still alive and active today, and as a community we choose to anchor ourselves to the truth of God's Word.

On His Shoulders

Kyle Smith // 12.22.24

We live in a world full of pressure, expectations and responsibilities. It can be difficult to manage the weight of life, but the grace of Jesus includes His willingness to put the weight of governing our lives on His shoulders. Are we willing to exchange the weight for His Lordship?

Don't Think Like Everyone Else

Kyle Smith // 12.15.24

In a world of competing voices and constant challenges, we must prioritize the voice of God spoken to us through Scripture.