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We know that every church is different in their approach to getting people connected, so we want to share with you a brief explanation of the steps below, and why we believe they’re so important.
Ready to Connect
Here at Anchor, we have a strong desire to not just be a group of people who gathers on Sundays, but a true spiritual family.
As such, we’ve spent a lot of time praying, brainstorming, and coming up with a way that we can care for all who step foot in Anchor and we’ve called this system the Anchored Path. Keep scrolling to learn more. We’d be honored to join you in your faith journey.
Whether you’re brand new to Anchor, or you’ve been coming for awhile, taking a step to get more connected to a church is a big deal The first step we’d love for you to take is to click the button below and fill out the “Ready to Connect” form. From here, we’ll set you up with someone from our New Here team to get to know your story over a meal or a cup of coffee.
Welcome Lunch
Welcome Lunch is a specific time set aside for new people to Anchor and is designed to help answer their questions, provide them with some information about who we are, meet some of our team, and get them connected to the body!
Welcome Lunch is for anyone who hasn’t already attended one yet! Maybe you’ve only been to Anchor once, or you’ve been coming for a few months. If you’ve never attended a lunch before, it’s for you!
Before you’d attend a Welcome Lunch, we would love to connect with you someone from our New Here team. We believe in the value of getting you a point of relational connection to this body before you attend a Welcome Lunch If you’ve not been connected with a New Here Team member, please see Step 1 above!
Discover, Develop, Deploy
This step has 3 primary goals: discover how God has created you and the gifts He’s given you, help you develop these gifts and passions within you, and deploy you both within the Anchor community as well as the greater Missoula community at large!
We believe that you matter, your story matters, and the way God designed and gifted you matters.
A Scripture we like to refer to often at Anchor is Ephesians 4:16 - He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
In other words, knowing and functioning in your unique skillset and gifting not only helps to give missional purpose to your life, but also serves and makes the body of Christ better.
Spiritual gifts are unique ways that God designs and equips His people to help build His Kingdom.
We see examples of spiritual gifts in Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, and 1 Peter 4.
There are many avenues you can use to discover your spiritual gifts - conversations with those who know you best, prayer, spiritual gift assessments and more.
We offer a specific training called SHAPE to help you do exactly this, and we’d love for you to join us next time we meet!
In 1 Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul uses the metaphor of a human body to describe the church. He likens each individual to a unique body part (i.e. a hand, a foot, an ear, or an eye), but states that each unique body part also belongs to the greater body. In order for the body to function at it’s best, each individual part needs to do it’s work while working in unity with the body as a whole.
Step 3 is intended to help each individual of Anchor discover their unique gifting and ability.
Our Becoming Class is a 3 week class intended to help integrate each individual of Anchor into the larger, functional body of our community. We do this by examining some of our ministry distinctives, our Core Values, Membership, and discuss what it looks like for each of us to walk out in our calling as disciples of Jesus.
Currently, we offer 3 Becoming Classes a year. If you’re interested in learning more, you can email pastor Tucker by clicking the button below!
We believe that belonging to a community of faith is an integral part of the Christian life.
Membership is our way of making this come to life. Members of Anchor Church have different responsibilities according to our Bylaws. Additionally, all of our members are assigned pastoral care.