
Counseling Resources

Sometimes in life, we just need some help. Whether we know it or not, we receive counsel from others all the time! We frequently ask about the newest Netflix shows, best restaurants, and business services, so why wouldn’t we reach out for counsel when it comes to important matters like marriage, abuse, and mental health?

We believe in the power, effectiveness, and biblical basis for counseling. Receiving counseling is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of courage and strength. If you, or someone you know, are in need of or desire counseling, we have compiled a list of faith based counselors here in Missoula. If you would like to talk with one of our staff about what to expect in counseling, where to begin, or just sit down for a cup of coffee to start out we would love to connect with you. You can reach us by emailing us at


Purity Resources

Whether we like to admit it, or talk about it, or not, we live in a time where access to pornography is easier than ever. It is informing the way many view sexual identity and expression, relationship dynamics, and normative sexual behavior. While pornography and its distorted view of sex is a problem, we believe that the gift of sexuality is a gift from God.

Below you will find a list of different resources to help you on your walk in sexual purity. While purity is a biblical concept that far outreaches sexual expression and is found in the work of Jesus, we do believe that the Bible is clear that sexual expression is to be preserved until the covenant of marriage. If you have been struggling with pornography addiction, sexual abuse, or any other sexual related issue, we highly encourage you to reach out for help and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to transform, heal, and renew this area of your life!