Church Planting 101
Jul 13, 2020
Tucker lays a solid foundation for our new series "Church Planting 101". We are focusing on the book of Titus as a road map for planting Anchor Church.
Church Planting 101: Gospel Truth, Godly Living
Jul 20, 2020
Pastor Kyle shares a message on how the truth of the gospel leads to godly living.
Church Planting 101: Titus 1:8-9
July 27, 2020
Pastor Robbie Severson shares his heart with our church from Titus 1:8-9. It is critical to live lives of godliness based on the grace we have been given.
Church Planting 101: Leading By Living
Aug 2, 2020
Kyle Smith delivers part four of our Church Planting 101 series. This covers Titus 1:10-16. We see in these verses that character is more important than charisma and damaged doctrine damages people. We want to be people who lead by living the lives God calls us to live.
Church Planting 101: Activate Everyone
Aug 10, 2020
Pastor Kyle shares from Titus 2:1-10. We see that the gospel leads to faith which leads to works which leads to influence. Our job as believers isn't just to "look the part" but to "live the part". Everyone has a role and we are to activate everyone.
Church Planting 101: Influence
Aug 17, 2020
Pastor Kyle Smith shares a passionate message from Titus 2:11-15. We are to live Godly lives in response to the grace we have been shown! Grace-Faith-Works-Influence.
Church Planting 101: Move The Ball Forward
Aug 24, 2020
Pastor Jim Hicks shares a timely message from Titus 3:1-2. We are to "move the ball forward" not as crusaders, but as the crucified.
Church Planting 101: Generosity
Sept 8, 2020
Pastor Kyle Smith shares a word about generosity on 8.30.20. We see that loving always leads to giving.
Church Planting 101: Serving
Sept 14, 2020
Pastor Kyle shares from Luke 22 on the heart of why we serve.
Church Planting 101: The Gospel
Sept 21, 2020
Pastor Tucker Parman gives a clear presentation of the gospel based on Titus 3:3-8.
Church Planting 101: Don't Waste Your Time
Sep 28, 2020
Pastor Kyle finished off our series "Church Planting 101" by giving a heartfelt message based on the concluding verses of Titus. This sermon is a call to live productive and fruitful in the short life we have been given.